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Useful and some useless tips for the residents of
Setauket Meadows Condominiums Just for fun.
Check back periodically. When I'm not playing some kind of sport, I might add to this section.
Residents are encouraged to submit their own useful tip, preferably about our community, for use on this web site. Send your tip to [email protected] and, if appropriate, your tip may become part of the lore of our community.
1. Brookhaven Town now accepts plastic containers which are numbered 1-7. Previously they accepted only containers numbered 1-2. Do your part and recycle those plastics that you may have previously thrown in the trash.
2. Green tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea.
3. Months that start on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.
4. Toilets use 35% of indoor water use.
5. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a reference to Superman. (Listen and watch carefully next time you watch one of the re-runs. It's very subtle.)
6. In order to remember the order of planets in our solar system beginning with the planet closet to the sun, recite the following:
"My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles" Use the first letter of each word to remember Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
7. Speaking of planets, the only planet to rotate clockwise is Venus.
8. A group of frogs is called an army. A group of rhinos is called a crash. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of owls is called a parliament.
9. When George Lucas was mixing the American Graffiti soundtrack, he numbered the reels of film starting with an R and numbered the dialog starting with a D. Sound designer Walter Mulch asked George for Reel 2, Dialog 2 by saying "R2D2". George liked the way that sounded so much he integrated that into another project he was working on, Star Wars.
10. Happiness is contagious; surrounding yourself with happy people will make you happy too.
11. Dogs are part of the family. Don't let your dog get into the food listed in this ASPCA article:
12. Among older men,vanilla is the most erotic smell.
13. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team in his sophomore year.
14. Can't remember if an egg is fresh or hard boiled? If it spins easily it's hard boiled. A fresh egg will sink in water. A stale one will float.
15. An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.
16. During it’s lifetime an oyster changes its sex from male to female and back several times.
17. Cher’s last name was “Sarkissian.” She changed it because no one could pronounce it.
18. In the four professional major north american sports (baseball, basketball, football and hockey) only 7 teams have nicknames that do not end with an s. Can you name them?
19. In Utah, it is illegal to swear in front of a dead person.
20. In 1949, forecasting the relentless march of science, Popular Mechanics said computers in the future may weigh no more than 5 tons. I guess they couldn't see the need for an iWatch.
21. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world’s nuclear weapons combined.
22. By recycling just one glass bottle, the amount of energy that is being saved is enough to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours.
23. It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times. This is a good reason to digitally subscribe to your newspaper.
24. Research has shown that ginger is more effective than Dramamine in combating motion sickness.
25. The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache on a standard playing card!
26. Pork is big business: it is the world’s most widely-eaten meat. It therefore is rather apt that pigs are responsible for the naming of one of the world’s leading financial centres. To stop free-roaming pigs rampaging through their grain fields, Manhattan Island residents built a long wall on the northern edge of what is now Lower Manhattan. The street that came to board the wall was named… Wall Street.
27. 'Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping' are the only 2 words in the English language with three consecutive double letters.
28. 42% of men and women 25% don't wash their hands after using a public toilet. YUCK!
29. Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning. And you should too.
30. New York contains 920km (571miles) of shoreline.
31. The average person spends 6 months of their life sitting at red lights.
32. It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World.
33. Sex burns 360 calories per hour.
34. It has been estimated that humans use only 10% of their brain. I have run across people like that. :-)
35. The Black Widow spider eats her mate during or after sex.
36. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.
37. Arnold Schonberg suffered from triskaidecaphobia, the fear of the number 13. He died at 13 minutes from midnight on Friday the 13th. When else?
38. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
39. Walt Disney was afraid of mice. Go figure?????
40. The longest word comprised of one row on the keyboard is: TYPEWRITER. Try it out, I did.
3. Months that start on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.
4. Toilets use 35% of indoor water use.
5. In every episode of Seinfeld there is a reference to Superman. (Listen and watch carefully next time you watch one of the re-runs. It's very subtle.)
6. In order to remember the order of planets in our solar system beginning with the planet closet to the sun, recite the following:
"My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles" Use the first letter of each word to remember Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
7. Speaking of planets, the only planet to rotate clockwise is Venus.
8. A group of frogs is called an army. A group of rhinos is called a crash. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of owls is called a parliament.
9. When George Lucas was mixing the American Graffiti soundtrack, he numbered the reels of film starting with an R and numbered the dialog starting with a D. Sound designer Walter Mulch asked George for Reel 2, Dialog 2 by saying "R2D2". George liked the way that sounded so much he integrated that into another project he was working on, Star Wars.
10. Happiness is contagious; surrounding yourself with happy people will make you happy too.
11. Dogs are part of the family. Don't let your dog get into the food listed in this ASPCA article:
12. Among older men,vanilla is the most erotic smell.
13. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team in his sophomore year.
14. Can't remember if an egg is fresh or hard boiled? If it spins easily it's hard boiled. A fresh egg will sink in water. A stale one will float.
15. An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.
16. During it’s lifetime an oyster changes its sex from male to female and back several times.
17. Cher’s last name was “Sarkissian.” She changed it because no one could pronounce it.
18. In the four professional major north american sports (baseball, basketball, football and hockey) only 7 teams have nicknames that do not end with an s. Can you name them?
19. In Utah, it is illegal to swear in front of a dead person.
20. In 1949, forecasting the relentless march of science, Popular Mechanics said computers in the future may weigh no more than 5 tons. I guess they couldn't see the need for an iWatch.
21. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world’s nuclear weapons combined.
22. By recycling just one glass bottle, the amount of energy that is being saved is enough to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours.
23. It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times. This is a good reason to digitally subscribe to your newspaper.
24. Research has shown that ginger is more effective than Dramamine in combating motion sickness.
25. The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache on a standard playing card!
26. Pork is big business: it is the world’s most widely-eaten meat. It therefore is rather apt that pigs are responsible for the naming of one of the world’s leading financial centres. To stop free-roaming pigs rampaging through their grain fields, Manhattan Island residents built a long wall on the northern edge of what is now Lower Manhattan. The street that came to board the wall was named… Wall Street.
27. 'Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping' are the only 2 words in the English language with three consecutive double letters.
28. 42% of men and women 25% don't wash their hands after using a public toilet. YUCK!
29. Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning. And you should too.
30. New York contains 920km (571miles) of shoreline.
31. The average person spends 6 months of their life sitting at red lights.
32. It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World.
33. Sex burns 360 calories per hour.
34. It has been estimated that humans use only 10% of their brain. I have run across people like that. :-)
35. The Black Widow spider eats her mate during or after sex.
36. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.
37. Arnold Schonberg suffered from triskaidecaphobia, the fear of the number 13. He died at 13 minutes from midnight on Friday the 13th. When else?
38. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
39. Walt Disney was afraid of mice. Go figure?????
40. The longest word comprised of one row on the keyboard is: TYPEWRITER. Try it out, I did.