HOA Board Meeting Minutes of May 16 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by HOA Board president, Joe Cerullo, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2023 Audit Report
- The report was presented by Tom Lowenberg, independent auditor.
- The audit covered the January—December 2023 year.
- According to the auditor, our finances are in good shape. He made several positive comments (“budget managed well”, “the audit went very well”, “better reserve fund than many similar communities I audit”).
- The auditor presented no negative comments.
- This audit does not reflect January 2024 to the present.
- The audit report was a synopsis of the actual detailed audit which can be found on the website.
Social Committee Report
- Jodie Prestia presented for the social committee.
- The Memorial Day bagel breakfast will be held Monday, May 27, 10:00 am till noon. Anyone who can volunteer to help is asked to contact Ann Razzanno.
- The spring fling is coming up on June 8. Janice Cerullo and Pat Dawson will be collecting money in the library of the clubhouse on Saturday, May 18. It will be held in the great room, 5:00—9:00 pm. Catering will be done by Tuscany Gourmet Market, BYOB, $50 p/p with a maximum of 60 people.
- The annual luau will be held on Saturday, Aug. 5. Other information will be sent by social committee in the future.
- Residents asked to notify Jodie if they are not receiving weekly emails regarding Happy Hour.
Financial Update
- Lou Petix reported that all bills are fully paid to date.
- All vendors are paid to date. This includes powerwashing throughout the community and the painting of columns.
- The beautification project fund is closed.
- $31,500 remains in the 2023 assessment fund. This is mainly due to the fact that the cesspools did not have to be replaced at this time.
- $22,942 remains in the 2024 assessment account. This covered the clubhouse renovation and upcoming tennis court renovation.
Upcoming 2025 Assessment
- Joe Cerullo outlined the need for an assessment next year.
- Due to the aging of the community some maintenance issues must be addressed; these include a new STP roof, tree trimming along the perimeter, road sealing, renovation of the putting green, roadwork at the front entrance, and a new gate system.
- He explained that maintenance that is done annually is covered by the HOA fee. Maintenance that is not done annually must come from assessment revenue.